Joe J: Blog


Silver Wings

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Okay, we've reached the end of Tainted Love. If you read it, thanks a bunch. Also, thanks for the comments y’all posted. I like the fact that the characters were engaging enough that some of you got mad at some of them.

Next up, we are posting a slightly rewritten version of Silver Wings with a better ending. Silver Wings includes some of my experiences in Vietnam during my first tour. I don't claim it to be biographical, but I figure I walked the walk so after 55 years I can talk the talk a little. Chapters will start posting this week on our usual Wednesday & Saturday schedule.

Finally, a big shout out to my good friend and editor, TeNderLoin. Jim not only fixes my mistakes and makes my scribbling readable, he also keeps me focused and on track – no small task, believe me.

As for what’s next – I’m nine chapters in on the follow up to Johnny Goes to War. Y’all keep reading and I’ll keep writing.


Reposting a Story and Giving It a Different Name

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I am posting a story titled Tainted Love. It is a repost and reedit of and older story I named Healing Hands, it was a dumb title and didn't really fit the story.

Some of the characters in this story remain some of my favorites. Y'all should read it, either for the first time or again.

Honkeytonk Hero

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"Honkeytonk Hero" is now available on Bookapy; along with "El Paso," "Jericho Donavan," "Johnny Pulaski," and "Johnny Goes to War."

Johnny Pulaski Goes to War

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So if you are interested, I have completed the continuation of Johnny Pulaski's story. Titled 'Johnny Goes to War', the story covers the almost four years after Johnny graduated from high school. The story will start posting the first Wednesday of the New Year and will post Wednesday and Saturday.

One early reader of the book raved: "Johnny Goes to War is that prefect melding of heart pounding military action and scalding hot, yet tastefully presented, sex. It is Saving Private Ryan meets Debbie Does Dallas. Yet it is as sensitively written as Doctor Zhivago with characters as complex as those in From Here to Eternity." (Thanks Mom!)



Johnny Pulaski

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Okay so the Johnny Pulaski rewrite is complete. I fixed some things and added some others and suddenly I had 32 chapters and I only covered up until he enlisted in the Army. That seemed to be a logical place to end the book.

But Johnny's story didn't end with his enlistment. So I am halfway through a second book covering the six years Johnny spent in the Ranger Regiment before the events of 'Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of Ra'.

Writing is not going as fast as I want but life, old age and an Agent Orange damaged heart are slowing me down.

Thanks for reading and hanging in there with me, I appreciate you all (well, most of you anyway).




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